Maine Fishing Laws
2025 Online Angling Tool

State of Maine Fishing Laws

The maps and information provided by this application were derived from multiple digital databases and are intended for informational and planning purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, neither MDIFW nor CGIS Solutions assume any liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. Neither MDIFW nor CGIS Solutions make any warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. Please consult our digital or printed law book for all legally binding fishing laws in effect, and report any errors to MDIFW.

Quick Start Instructions:
1) The map observed upon opening this application displays the North (green) and South (blue) Zones. Waters within each Zone are regulated under a different set of General Fishing Laws which can be viewed within the “Resources” tab.
2) As you zoom in and pan around on the map, Red and blue water features will begin to appear.
i) Red features: identify waters regulated with General and Special Fishing Laws and can be clicked on to display the laws that regulate the waterbody.
ii) Blue features: identify waters that are regulated with General Fishing Laws only.
iii) To find the General Fishing Laws for red and blue features, zoom out to a point where the entire map turns either green (North Zone) or blue (South Zone) to determine which Zone the waterbody lies within. Once you’ve identified the appropriate Zone, open the corresponding General Fishing Law page from the Resources tab.
3) Use the “Take the Tour” feature located at the top of this tab for additional tips on how to use this application.
The data within this application is provided for planning purposes only. Please contact MDIFW with questions about the data within this application.
Application by CGIS Solutions

Map Legend:

Waters with Special Fishing Laws: Red features represent waterbodies that are regulated with Special Fishing Laws. The Special Fishing Laws that apply can be viewed by clicking anywhere within the bounds of the Red shaded area. Once selected, the Special Fishing Laws will appear in a popup, and the area where the laws apply will be outlined in yellow on the map.

General Fishing Law Waters: Blue features represent waterbodies that are regulated under General Fishing Law. Use the yellow North/South General Law line and/or the green (North) and blue (South) backgrounds that are visable when zoomed out to determine which Zone a General Fishing Law waterbody lies within, then select the appropriate option, North or South General Fishing Law, in the “Resources” tab to see the General Fishing Laws that regulate the water of interest.

Notable Change Marker: These markers signify a change in a Special Fishing Laws. Clicking on either side of the marker will reveal the Special Fishing Laws that apply to the selected area.

North/South General Law Line: This line separates the North and South Zones. Different General Fishing Laws apply to each Zone. General Fishing Laws for the North and South Zones are located within the “Resources” tab.

Tribal Land Boundary: Waters within these orange shaded areas are subject to Tribal General Fishing Laws. All Red shaded features within the Tribal Land Boundary have Special Fishing Laws that apply in accordance- or addition-to the Tribal General Fishing Law. Tribal General Fishing Laws are located within the “Resources” tab.

Baxter State Park Boundary: All waters in Baxter State Park are closed to the taking and use of live baitfish. The use of motorboats or outboard motors in the Park is prohibited except on Matagamon and Katahdin Lakes. In addition, some waters have additional Special Fishing Laws that can be viewed by clicking anywhere within the bounds of the Red shaded features.

Wetland Area: Regulated under General Fishing Law, these areas are typically wetlands or intermittent/seasonal streams. See General Fishing Law Waters above for more information.

Town/State Boundary: Town and State boundary lines. Town names will appear along the boundary lines or will be centered within the town lines depending on what level of zoom you are using to view the map.


Information on General Fishing Laws:

General Fishing Laws apply to all inland waters. Click the links below to view the North or South Zone General Fishing Laws.

Click here to view the North Zone General Fishing Laws

Click here to view the South Zone General Fishing Laws

Appendicies: Area Specific General Laws and Consumption Advisory

A-1: Recreational Angling for Migratory Fish and International Waters Between Maine and New Brunswick
A-2: Interstate Waters Between Maine and New Hampshire
A-3: Tribal Waters
A-4: Fish Consumption Advisory

Purchasing a License:

Purchase a fishing license through MOSES, the Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife's online hunting and fishing licensing system here

2025 Law Book Download

Download a copy of the 2025 Open Water and Ice Fishing Laws here

Contact MDIFW

We value your feedback. If you have questions, or find any potential inconsistancies with the highlighted waters or regulations within this application, please Contact Us